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Kaveri Seeds- Research & Insights Webinar

In this webinar, we have talked about Dynamics of Hybrid Seeds Business (Investor's Perspective), The Story of Kaveri Seeds and What Interests Us Here, followed by a Q&A.

Part-1 covers the basics of Hybrid & GMO seeds, Dynamics of Business in terms of new product R&D, production & sales and finally the key feature of Seeds Industry of Compounding product traction.

Part-2 covers the Story of Kaveri Seeds, How It Grew Non-Linearly till 2015 and what are the reasons for poor performance over last 5-7 years, the current opportunity in Kaveri Seeds and additional case studies of Rasi Seeds and HtBt Cotton.

(Part-2 is exclusive to Surge's Members)

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4 comentários

Sanjay Sharma
17 de jul. de 2022

Good webinar Ankush....please do a similar webinar on our existing will help us in developing our own conviction in the portfolio stocks...

Surge Capital
Surge Capital
18 de jul. de 2022
Respondendo a

Going forward we would try to do such webinars for research that we share on knowledge base. In terms of recommended stocks, I need to get some clarity on whether it would comply for SEBI regulations in terms of Research Reports and also the feasibility in terms of doing the same as soon as we recommend the stock.


Nagi Reddy Soma
10 de jul. de 2022

Hey Ankush, why is the tax paid by kaveri seeds is just 5% of PBT. I have got this number from

Surge Capital
Surge Capital
18 de jul. de 2022
Respondendo a

Hi Sir, So since Kaveri is into seeds business which is an agriculture income, most of their profits are exempt from tax. They pay taxes only on their other income- largely income from investments and micronutrients sales.

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